Get Ready for Christ Because He is Ready for You!
Author: Gene Valdez
June 23, 2022
Family, I want to tell you in preparing my sermon I have reflected on
the past 9 years that I have been elder and how special that time has
been on my spiritual growth and seeing the growth and triumph of our
church in face of much adversity. I can tell you one thing, I wasn't
ready for any of it! But looking back, could years more of preparation
have made me any more ready? I think not.
puts us in position to expect the unexpected. Think of how much Noah
knew about shipbuilding, or Rahab to protect known enemies of her people
but brethren for God, or Peter to have the courage to go out on his own
without Christ standing right next to him. Yet, they all accepted the
challenge at a moment's notice. Don't be surprised when you take that
next step forward to Christ, you will surprise yourself at how ready you
are for it RIGHT NOW! God bless you all, and see y'all's on Sabbath.